Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Здрастуйте Україна, Про розрахунки America! / Hello Ukraine, Goodbye America!

After spending two weeks here, we were so ready to get home to Chandler. We got some much needed loving from her and then all I (Kate) wanted was to be back in Ukraine to meet our newest member. I can honestly say that we knew the risk of adopting from Ukraine when we started this process, however were thinking that the problems would come after picking a referral. This process, which should have broken us, has just given us more of a heart towards Ukraine and their orphaned/boarding school children. I can't imagine being a child whose parents don't want them, they put them in the orphanage but because they visit them once a year, or the director doesn't fill out the paperwork, the child will never have an opportunity to have a stable living condition. 

Well on a lighter note, the flight was long with a special bumpy landing. We waited for an hour for Kostya to meet us in the airport. o glad he came because otherwise we would have had to make phone calls ourselves about renting an apartment, and that would have been "interesting". We drove to our apartment, only for Kostya to realize it was too far to make an emergency dash to the SDA department. He made some phone calls and now are back in the same building as we were the first trip. The apartment is great, it has a unique decor style but that only adds to our experience. After a quick glance at the apartment Kostya, Casey and I were off for some Ukrianian food. Borshch is a hit or miss soup in Ukraine, but it's worth the risk. We love Ukrainian food! Other news from Ukraine is that it's cold! The first trip to Ukraine, I packed for 70-degree weather and it was 99 degrees. This trip I packed for 90-degree weather and it's a rainy 56 degrees. I need to learn to check the weather page. 

Wednesday, our SDA appointment will be at 2pm, that's 6am CST. We will have a meeting with our lawyer and translator at 1pm, 5am CST. Not sure what the meeting will be about, but we shall see. We are eager, excited and nervous all rolled in one. Like the other two visits, we also have a tremendous amount of peace. God is God and God is Faithful, no matter what the outcome is. This process has made our faith and marriage even stronger. At the end of the day, there isn't a better way to spend your money or your time then chasing after God's will for your family!


The McEacherns said...

A big AMEN to that last sentence! We're praying for your appointment to produce the referral that God has chosen for your family!

Team Airhart said...

Добрий день Williams family! Welcome back to Kyiv! I just found your blog today through the Langton's blog and just wanted you to know that if you need anything while you are here please let us know. My husband is in the Air Force and we arrived in June and will be here for 2 years. Please feel free to call or e-mail us at tara.airhart@gmail.com or +380919392005. Adding you all to my prayer list!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is worth the risk and worth the cost. Praying God's will for you and Kate today. Praying you find your child!

Michelle Robertson said...

Been praying for you this morning. God is in control and He has a plan, no doubt. Can't wait to hear how it went.

Sam Jones said...

still praying friends!!

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